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Galgo español

Hola!! a  peticion de un muchacho y visto que aún no se ha subido ningun articulo de este fabuloso perro, he decidido hacerlo hoy..   =)

Este perro ya era conocido en la edad antigua por los romanos.Desciende de los antiguos lebreles asiáticos;fue y es un perro que se ha adaptado muy bien a las diferentes zonas de estepa y llanuras.Desde el siglo XVI,XVII Y XVIII fue exportado a otras zonas como fueron Inglaterra e Irlanda,siendo nuestro galgo uno de los padres del galgo ingles.

Perro lebrel de buen tamaño, de esqueleto compacto, cabeza larga y estrecha, torax de amplia capacidad, vientre recogido y  cola muy larga.Pelo fino y corto.

Tamaño: de hasta 65 cm de alzada en machos y en hembras 60 cm.
Peso: 25 a 30kg en machos y en hembras de 20 a 25kg.
Ejercicio: es un perro que necesita ejercico, para estar en forma fisica y psiquicamente.
Comportamiento: muy tranquilo y fiel a su dueño.


Dentro de todas sus habilidades podemos destacar su destreza para la caza( no es muy buen olfateador pero lo compensa su gran iniciativa y resistencia).Por su velocidad tambien son adecuados en carreras.


Cuidar a este perro, no supone mucho, un aseo minimo.( cepillarlo una vez a la semana)
Necesitan un lugar amplio donde puedan correr y estar a sus anchas.

Es un perro obediente y tranquilo, son unos agradables compañeros.Con sus dueños son fieles y llegan a ser muy dulces.
Demuestran una gran iniativa, esfuerzo y ganas por todo aquello que su dueño diga.

GDB Lifestyle Workshop in Lone Star State

Lifestyles workshop participant working a guide dog with Field Service Manager Bill Archie
Guide Dogs for the Blind hosted a Lifestyle Workshop at the Criss Cole Center in Austin, TX to help blind men and women determine if having a Guide Dog is the right mobility choice for them. Approximately 25 local men and women received hands-on experience working with a Guide Dog and an overview of the services offered at GDB.

The workshop was directly followed by a luncheon where participants were greeted by many local Texas Guide Dog users and puppy raisers. GDB’s Acting CEO Morgan Watkins (an Austin native) and Alumni Director Theresa Duncan were also in attendance to offer their support and personal knowledge about being a Guide Dog user while Field Managers Bill Archie and Marc Gillard were able to provide their expertise and instruction.

Morgan Watkins and Theresa Duncan with Texas-area GDB grads
Lifestyles workshop participant working a guide dog with Field Service Manager Marc Gillard
Theresa Duncan, Morgan Watkins,  and GDB grad Holly McKnight with the Lone Star Puppy Raising Club

Receita Natural anti-coprofagia

Olá pessoal ! Mais um blog de receitinhas para cães : Tem Cachorro na Cozinha
e essa receita achei interessante pois diz que é anti-coprofágica.
E tb muito fácil de preparar!

Cubos congelados de legumes (Solução natural anti-coprofagia)

Um hábito canino que geralmente incomoda os donos é "comer cocô", ou coprofagia. Segundo o etólogo Bruno Tausz, na sua comunidade no orkut, Psicologia Canina, há a possibilidade deste hábito existir por falta de nutrientes vegetais na dieta do cão. Ainda na sua comunidade, podemos encontrar uma receita de cozido que auxilia no combate a este hábito.

Os legumes e verduras usados são livres, sempre respeitando alergias do seu animal e evitando os "alimentos proibidos" para cães. 

- Cenoura; 
- Batata;
- Pepino;
- Abóbora;
- Abobrinha;
- Quiabo;
- Couve;

Modo depreparo:
Lave todos os ingredientes, corte em pedaços grandes e coloque para cozinhar. 

Cozinhe até que as verduras e legumes virem uma papa. Bata tudo no liquidificador e coloque para congelar em cubas de gelo.

Depois, é só oferecer um ou dois cubos descongelados por dia (a depender do tamanho do seu cachorro) misturado na refeição do seu cão.

Legal né!?
Sigam tb no twitter : @temcachorro

Zaffino's TV Debut

Guide Dog Puppy Zaffino gives KGW-TV Weatherman Matt Zaffino a kiss on the cheekGuide Dog puppy Zaffino was welcomed recently to the Portland area by Oregon’s #1 Weatherman and KGW-TV/NBC’s Chief Meteorologist Matt Zaffino. This sweet yellow lab puppy was celebrated with a live telecast from KGW’s Studio on the Square along with other Guide Dog puppies-in-training, career change dogs, retired guides and Guides Dogs.

Little Zaffino is being raised by volunteer Puppy Raiser Nancy Prewitt. Nancy is the leader of Sightmasters, a Beaverton, Oreg. based puppy club. Zaffino is Nancy’s 21st puppy she will raise for GDB. For those interested in learning more about the puppy raising program please visit or call 1-800-295-4050.

In the coming month’s Zaffino’s adventures in Oregon will be documented and aired on KGW-TV/NBC. Please check out Zaffino’s TV debut: KGW-TV/NBC "Meet Zaffino, The Guide Dog-Puppy-In-Training."

LaPerm Cat

The LaPerm is a recognized breed of cat. A LaPerm's fur is curly (hence the name "perm"), with the tightest curls being on the belly, throat and base of the ears. LaPerms come in many colors and patterns. LaPerms generally have a very affectionate personality.



The first LaPerm was born in 1982 and was a spontaneous mutation in an otherwise normal litter of kittens. The breed founders, Linda and Richard Koehl owned a cherry farm in The Dalles, Oregon, and had obtained some farm cats for pest control. One of these was an ordinary brown tabby shorthair called Speedy who gave birth to a litter of kittens which included a rather bald female kitten with tabby markings on her skin. The Koehls were initially concerned about the kitten's appearance but she developed healthily and as she grew she developed a soft curly coat.

The kitten was given the name Curly and was given no special treatment, also working as a farm cat. In fact, she was nearly killed in an incident when she climbed into the warm engine of a pickup truck and was injured by the fan when the engine was started. She survived and became a house cat for a while recovering from her injuries and it was during this time that the Koehls came to fully appreciate her affectionate personality. She became pregnant and gave birth under a tree in the middle of a rainstorm one night. Linda Koehl heard strange noises and took a flashlight outside to find Curly fiercely defending her newborn kittens from barking dogs. Linda put the kittens into her pockets and took them into a warm barn to make them a safe nest in the hay. The next day when Linda was able to look at them in daylight she realized that all five kittens had the same appearance as their mother had at birth. All five were male and grew up to have the same soft curls. None of the five were neutered and their breeding activity led to many more curly coated kittens being born.

Linda found herself with a growing colony of unusual rex cats which included long and short coats. There was a range of colors and patterns including chocolate and colorpoints, due to the input of a local cat who had a Siamese mother. When people started commenting on her unusual cats and asking what they were, Linda did some research and realized that she had some kind of rex. She took some cats to a show to ask for feedback and was told by exhibitors, breeders and judges that she had something very special. Several key people in the USA cat fancies gave her their support and the breed has grown and to become a well established championship breed in the States with breeding programs in many other countries around the world.

The LaPerm breed is strongly allied with Native American culture as the area where the Koehl’s farm is situated is in a sacred territory of the Wishram people, a Chinook speaking tribe who traditionally made a living netting, drying and trading salmon from the Columbia River. The area still contains rock carvings of the vigilant goddess Tsagaglalal. It is because of this that many LaPerm breeders give Native American names to their kittens and decorate their pens with this theme in mind when showing. Careful consideration was given to the naming of the breed; several possible names had already been used or were too clumsy sounding or close to something else so a name was chosen by Linda which evocatively brings to mind the breed’s most important feature: its curly coat, and follows the Chinookan tradition of adopting French words while incorporating the definite article to create a new word.

LaPerm Cat Breed Data

- Fokdieren, castraten en kittens van een kleine cattery in Heerlen. 
- Oregon breeders also rearing Munchkins. 
- CFA breed club. Information on the breed, grooming, coat, history, description, temperament, feeding, kitten care.
- Es wird die Cattery mit ihren Tieren vorgestellt und über die Rassen informiert.
- Located near Albuquerque, New Mexico. Also rears LaPerms. Photographs and links.

Top 10 Heart Worm Products

Most dogs and cats have worms whether they live indoor or outdoor. Dog worms can cause your dog to become sick and even to die. Five common types of dog worms are: heartworm, hookworm, round worm, tape worm and whip worm. However, all types are highly preventable; but heart worm needs your special attention. Here are the 10 heart worm products that help in managing heartworms in your dogs and cats.

1. Heartguard (ivermectin) is chewable and given orally, using recommended dosage and regimen. It is effective against tissue larval stage of microfilaria immitis for a month (30 days) after infection and as a result preventing the development of the adult stage. Heartgard plus (ivermectin/pyrantel) comes in a beef chewable which protects pets from deadly heartworm diseases; also treats hookworms and roundworms. This is taken once a month.

2. Interceptor (milbemycin oxime) for cats and dogs are palatable tablets that are imbibed monthly. It hinders heartworm disease, controls hookworms, removes and controls round worms and whipworm infection in dogs and puppies. The tablet is orally administered.

3. Revolution is a safe and simple way to protect cats and dogs harmful parasites. This topical treatment contains selamectin in tube which can control heartworms, round worms, hookworms and kill fleas. It is safe for puppies and kittens that are less than six months. Its effect begins two hours after application. Being waterproof, it is affected by shampoo and exposure under the rain.

4. Iverhart plus is also flavored chewable. It prevents intestinal parasite control which is guaranteed to protect dogs from deadly parasites, like the three kinds of worms: heartworm, roundworm and hookworm. It is taken once every month.

5. Advantage multi for dogs is an all-in-one product which kills fleas before they lay eggs and a prevention against heartworm, round worm and hookworm.. It is in a small tube which you must press out and apply all between the shoulder blades of your dog. It is quite messy so you apply to your dog at nighttime.

6. Sentinel is a flavored tablet that is taken monthly as oral prevention against heart worms and fleas, as well as, adult roundworms, hookworms and whipworms. Sentinel cannot kill adult fleas.

7. Milbemax is an oral broad spectrum of anthelmintic tablet that is used in treatment of mixed infection caused by round worm, hook worm and tape worm; it also prevents heartworm disease in cats, kittens, dogs and puppies.

8. Ivermectin (generic alternative to Heartgard) It prevents heartworms in canines; protects dogs from deadly heartworm disease by getting rid of ringworm larvae that infect pets in the last month before treatment. For dogs and cats, one tablet is administered monthly. This is the inexpensive version of Heartgard.

9. Proheart (Moxidictin) is an injectible heartworm preventive for dogs which is given every six months. It can also kill hookworms. It is safe to use in pregnant dogs, and Colie breeds.

10. Natural remedies as herbal and homeopathic therapy has been found to be effective. Give your pets, herbal ingredients as artemisia, absinthenium (wormwood), eugenia caryophyllata (cloves), azactirachta indica (neem) and ruta graveolens (herb of Grace).

These top 10 Heart Worm products will go a long way in preventing your pets from heartworm diseases. Try heartgard or one of the other products listed above to see results.
Sell pet medications and flea control products for dogs and cats.

Exposiciones: Marzo de 2011

  • Dias 5 y 6 de marzo de 2011

XVII Exposicion nacional canina y XXXV exposicion internacional canina de Alcala de Guadaira

  Organizada por la Sociedad canina de andalucia occidental. El telefono de contacto es 954 62 50 61. Se
  celebrara en el Recinto Ferial de San Juan.

  • Dias 26 y 27 de marzo de 2011

58ª y 59ª Exposicion nacional y 24ª exposicion internacional canina de Vigo

  Organizada por la Sociedade Canina Galega. El telefono de contacto es 986 37 73 05. Se celebra en el    
  Instituto Feiral de Vigo.

  • Dias 19 y 20 de marzo de 2011

Expocanina Girona 2011

  Organizada por la Associacio Canina Unio Cinofila Catalunya. El telefono de contacto es 934 19 30 67. 
  Se celebra en la Fira de Girona.

  • Dias 10, 11, 12 y 13 de marzo de 2011

DFS Crufts

  Organizada por The Kennel Club en Birmingham. Telefono de contacto (+44) 0844 463 3980. Se
  Celebra en The NEC (National Exhibition Centre).

My Day at the Capitol

by Guide Dog Lassen

Yellow Lab Guide Dog Lassen, his handler Betsy Grenevitch, and the Georgia Statewide Coalition on Blindness group, with Governor Nathan Deal on the capitol building steps
Ever since I began working here in Georgia in September 2006, one of my favorite places to go has been to the State Capitol in Atlanta, Georgia. I love any place where there are crowds to maneuver but the Capitol is especially exciting. That is about the only time during the year where I have to watch for a lot of traffic and cross a lot of busy streets. This year at the Capitol was especially exciting!

My handler, Betsy Grenevitch, belongs to a group called the Georgia Statewide Coalition on Blindness. One of their many goals has been to try to get legislation passed that will enhance the lives of the blind and visually impaired as well as the lives of the deaf/blind. We usually end up going down to the Capitol two to three times each State legislative season. This year had many "firsts" in it for me.

My handler's two oldest children went with us this year. The past couple of years it was just Paul but this year, his older sister, Danielle, was home, so she also went to learn where Paul has been parking the car. Because we were running a little late, I did not have to walk from the parking garage but was dropped off near the Capitol. The security guards allowed us to go right through the checkpoint and I did not even have to be touched. I guess I have been there so often through the past four years that they all know me there.

Normally, we do not have to do as much walking as we did this year. This year we had a lot more appointments than we have had in the past years. One of the highlights of this visit was getting my picture taken with our new Governor, Nathan Deal. We had been trying to get this accomplished with the past Governor but it had never happened. I love getting my picture taken so it was a lot of fun. I can't wait to actually get to meet the Governor when we get a meeting with him privately. He did not have time to talk with us at length this time, but he did try to greet all of us who were in the group.

I love the challenge of having to retrace our steps. My handler felt for sure I would be able to retrace back to the elevator as we had been on this particular floor several times during the day. She asked me to find the elevator and I did! I was so excited because I received a lot of praise when I guided her to the elevator. It was not just a straight hallway, but there were several turns. This next part is really funny! Her daughter, Danielle, was down the hall a few feet and my handler called out to her to tell her that "The dog did it!" She did not realize that a man was holding open the elevator door and he thought she was telling her daughter that a dog was holding open the door. The man told her that it was not a dog holding the door but it was him. We all got a great laugh out of that--even I was smiling.

I am already looking forward to our next visit to the Capitol. It is great to get so much attention from people there. It makes it all worthwhile.

Cat Evolution & Domestication

Cat evolution has been going on for a long time... longer than people have been on earth. And when people finally did show up, the cat let us right on in.

Noah may have had cats on the Ark he built for the great flood, but were they the ancestor of what we know as the domestic cat of today's world? It can be confusing to think that all there is in the world, is all there has ever been in light of so much evidence to the contrary, i.e. fossil discoveries. I think the story of Noah is meant to convey an understanding of greater meaning than one recounting the re-seeding of life after a particularly heavy rain. Scholar's generally place the deluge sometime in the 2nd and 3rd millennium BC, or some 4 - 5 thousand years ago. That was about the time Egyptians were domesticating the first cats. Did they get on board? And how safe did the rats and mice feel? Were the cats guardians of the food stores on the ark which everyone depended on until dry land was again underfoot? And how did those Koala's make it to the ship if they were confined to the continent of Australia? Really, the best 5000 years can do is raise a lot of questions.

The great equalizer in any debate is time. Time changes everything, including the diametric of a species. As people spread around the world, their skins changed color, eating habits adapted to new environments, clashes occurred with others also in migration for prized lands that yielded favorable life supporting resources, i.e. abundant prey animals for hunter-gathers, then domesticated stock animals and food/grain plants for sustenance.

Survival is unforgiving of failure. One either survives... or doesn't. It's one identifying characteristic of "life" that it yearns to survive. Another survival characteristic is that individual members of a species, don't, or rather only do so for a limited time. A life-span as we call it. Only large groups or classifications of rocks, trees and other sentient beings, including that of any species can survive for indeterminate times, if it is successful.

Fossil documentation of cat evolution is extremely incomplete. There is evidence tracing the cat to around 200 million years ago, with cat evolution beginning when they diverged from reptiles. From that point scientists have divided the cat family into two major groups. Feline cats which includes all the modern species of cat, and sabre-tooth cats, who are all extinct. The 'Felidae Family' or Feline cats are gathered into three Genus:
  • Panthera - Lions and tigers and... panthers, or cats that roar.
  • Felis - Lynx, ocelots, your Fluffy and other small cats.
  • Acinonyx - or the cheetah. They're in a group of their own because they cannot retract their claws like all other cats.
Originally, cat evolution diagrams had cats divided into two main groups: Big Cats and Small Cats. The distinction was based on the size and shape of their skulls. But, it was discovered that the division was not viable since studies eventually showed a gradual transition of skull characteristics from the smallest to the larger cats. There essentially was no separate distinction using that criteria.

Lately, DNA studies have provided insights to cat evolution as they migrated from Asia to North American via the Bering Sea Land Bridge that appeared around 9 million years ago. These panther like predators had first appeared in Asia about 2 million years before the Land Bridge was exposed by falling sea levels. Cats are considered , next to humans, the most successful of hunters. They would have followed migrating prey and easily survived the challenges of roaming vast territories as they explored new environments. (Think of kitty nosing around an unexplored bush or strange new object, either in or out of her territory) Later, several American lineages of newly evolved cats returned to Asia via the Bridge and with each migration, evolutionary forces morphed these cats into a rainbow of species ranging from lions and leopards to lynxes, ocelots and today's domestic house cat. Where were people at this time? Well, no where to be found... yet. Anatomically modern humans evolved solely in Africa, between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago, according to most experts using deductions based on mitochondrial DNA data. Obviously, cat evolution is long on history with existing in this world.

It was around 10,000 years ago as humans stopped being hunter-gathers and started to cultivate the land, that the relationship seeds between people and cats began. By then cats inhabited most parts of the world except in the Arctic, Antarctica, Australia and inhospitable tundra regions. As the first modern humans migrated from central Africa to Europe and Asia, it would have been impossible for cat and human paths not to cross. But, it was when people began to grow crops that certain species of cats and humans began to have a co-dependant relationship, creating an interesting, if not fateful, twist in cat evolution.

From the beginning the newly evolved farmers found that food storage, especially grain storage, became an attraction for small rodents such as rats and mice. Archeological evidence supports this given that uncovered storage ruins have a preponderance of rodent skeletons entombed within the storage relics. It can easily be surmised that the smaller cats followed their prey to the farms and probably couldn't resist the banquet concentration of mice and rats these early silos offered. Humans, being a smart creature himself, would have noticed the antipathy that rodents and cats had (have) for each other. An early farmer might have come across a litter of kittens and taken them home to try and raise them for the purpose of protecting his hard work from the fields.

Very likely, the first young kittens would have retained most of their wild nature and maintained a 'safe' distance from their human benefactor. But, as generations of kittens had more contact with people, especially being handled by humans as a kitten, they would have grown tolerant to, and amenable with, people to cat interactions, maybe even sleeping in their homes. Speculating this way, the early stages of domestication might have begun. Two species of cats were most successful with adapting to this new relationship, Felis Silvestris and Felis Lybica. Silvestris became more adaptable to the European environments and climate while Lybica preferred the Middle East.

Early Egyptians had multiple deities and these gods were attributed with animal-like qualities. The chief god of Egypt was the sun god Ra, symbolized by a lion. Ra was said to rule the world during the day shining from a sun chariot traveling the sky from dawn to dusk. At night he fell into darkness where he was vulnerable to his enemies. But, having the qualities of a lion he had the vision of a cat who could see in the darkness to better protect himself . Bast was known as the goddess of fertility, birth and family who also was symbolized by a cat. It didn't escape the Egyptians notice how strong the maternal instinct is in cats when caring for their kittens. Cats were buried with pharaohs and were even accorded cemeteries of their own for common people who had cats in their own care.

It was after the rise of the Roman Empire that cats made their way to Europe as a domesticated animal. Cats also lost their 'god' status and took on the more practical role being a 'pet'. By then the cat-mouse-human triangle was pretty well established, and as humans migrated, cultivating the world as they went, the cat and mouse went right along with them. Domestic cats traveled the Spice Routes to Asia and sailed the seas to the Americas. Everywhere they have gone, cats have established populations not only by inter-breeding among their own kind, but by breeding with indigenous species they met along the way. The result has been a plethora of fur coat colors, hair lengths and coat patterns which identify cats today.

The effects of domestication on cat evolution can be summarized as follows:
  • Period of Competition (prior to 7,000 BC) characterized by wild cats competing with hunter-gatherer humans for birds and small mammals.
  • Period of Commensality (7,000 - 4,000 BC) characterized by 'semi-domestic' cats feeding on vermin around and within early villages.
  • Period of Early Domestication (4,000 - 3,000 BC) with the confinement of cats to cult status
  • Period of Full Domestication (3,000 BC - present) the popularization of cat keeping and the diffusion of cats from Egypt*
The close coexistence that cats and people began when cultures started to formulate and we as humans settled down from our hunter-gather wanderings might be conceived as a chance encounter. Our early farming ancestors would have had to solve many problems, the solutions to which today we take for granted. But, the cat hasn't forgotten their contribution to our success and this might even account for their seemingly proud nature. After all, the interconnectedness of everything in this world is only surpassed by the human arrogance to dismiss such an idea by believing in our own mental superiority, which then only perpetuates a belief in our disconnectedness from nature. Fortunately, only people are capable of such mutterings. Cats have never forgotten their roots. Roots buried deep in cat evolution, domestication and time.

There are moments I find myself, like many others I suspect, lost within the loneliness that results in acknowledging the separateness of being, or distance that seems to be between each of us in this life. It's then that I only have to look into the sky, marveling at the distance that exists between myself and the infernal ovens that are the stars. Even at that great distance, which is measured in the time it takes light to travel in one year, I am comforted in the knowledge that we are all made of the same stuff that is spilling out from those light factories. We are so interconnected... yet, it is blindly taken for granted as we pursue our inflated activities of living every day. Coming back to this place, my kitty lies on my lap and I stroke her back while she quietly accepts the affection. It doesn't take much to reverse our roles, and put myself in her place, to even become her back, relishing the stroke of my hand upon it. And, with a little imagination, I can trace the path of cat evolution in my mind.

*Thanks to Feline Advisory Bureau - Wiltshire, UK

Robert J Gallegos is the author of a web site dedicated to proper cat care with quality cat lover gifts based on an understanding of cat behavior, instincts and the unique requirements for healthy cats as pets. Cats are the newest of animals to be domesticated and still have one paw in the wild. It's a major reason why they're so mysterious and resistant to human expectations.

Robert is a life long lover of cats. He is dedicated to sharing his understanding of the cat experience, reducing the epidimic feral cat situation, and helping cat lovers to provide the best care for their cats.

British Shorthair Cat

The British Shorthair is the descendant of cats brought to Britain by the Romans and then interbred with wild native cats.They were later crossbred with Persian cats to improve the thickness of their coat. The breed was defined in the 19th century and British Shorthairs were shown at the 1871 Crystal Palace cat show.The popularity of the breed declined by the 1940s, but since the end of World War II, breeding programs have intensified and the breed's popularity is high once again.

Breed description

British Shorthairs have dense, plush coats that are often described as crisp or cracking, referring to the way the coat breaks over the contours of the cat's body. Eyes are large, round and widely set and can be a variety of colours, though the copper or gold eyes of the British blue are the best known. Their heads are round with full, chubby cheeks. Their bodies are large, sturdy, and muscular and are described as having a "cobby" build. The breed has a broad chest, shoulders and hips with short legs, round paws and a plush but not fluffy tail that ends in a round or blunt tip.These are the characteristics listed in most governing bodies breeds standards to which show cats must conform.

The males of this breed are larger than the females, and the size difference between them is more easily noticed compared to other breeds. The males' average weight is 5-10 kilograms, whereas a female would weigh up to 5–7 kg. As with many breeds, the adult males may also develop prominent cheek jowls that distinguish them from their female counterparts.The typical lifespan of this breed is 14 to 20 years. 

British Shorthairs are an easygoing breed of cat. They have a stable character and take well to being kept as indoor-only cats, making them ideal for apartment living. They are not terribly demanding of attention, though they will let their owner know if they feel like playing. They enjoy mouse type or stick style toys. They are not hyperactive cats, preferring to sit close to their owners rather than on them. They might supervise household activities from a comfortable perch or perhaps the floor.

British Shorthairs are wonderful cats for people who work, as they are very happy to simply laze around the house while their owner is out. They do not get destructive or need other animals for company, though they do enjoy having another British Shorthair or a cat with similar temperament around.

They like attention and enjoy being petted. They are not a very vocal breed but will meow to communicate with their owners, for example when they are hungry and their food is being prepared. They may also meow at their favourite toy as they play with it. British Shorthairs have a tendency to follow people from room to room, as they may want to be with their owner and see what is going on. Some do not mind being cuddled, but most prefer to keep four paws on the ground and be patted rather than picked up.

The breed has become a favourite of animal trainers because of its nature and intelligence, and in recent years these cats have appeared in Hollywood films and television commercials.They can learn small tricks spontaneously.

British Shorthair Cat Breed Data

- Breed information, photos, kitten availability, and breeder listings from this group of breeders in England and Scotland. 
- Russian breeder of British Shorthair, Longhair and Selkirk Rex. Site contain breed information and many good quality photographs.
- Includes story of Mourka the British Shorthair Queen. 
- British Shorthair breederlocated in Hampshire and registered with GCCF. 
- The breed club for British Shorthair, Manx and Selkirk Rex kitten breeders in the UK. Provides a kitten list, a rehome list, links to members pages and information on the club's aims together with details of its annual show. 

Razas: Doberman

Hoy hablo del doberman, una raza mas o menos reciente, que se caracteriza por ser muuuy energetico y ademas por ser un perro muy fragil y sensible desde el punto de vista emocional.

Es un perro que fue comenzado a crear por Karl Friedrich Louis Doberman, que busco un perro que le ayudase en su tarea de recaudador impuestos y lo defendiese de los posibles atacantes (hay que decir tambien que el origen de la raza y por lo que se crearon no tiene nada que ver con que los perros sean peligrosos, ¡¡que estoy inchao de oirlo!!). Aun en la actualidad es un buen perro de guarda ya que es muy obediente y disciplinado.

Sobre su origen y antecesores, existen mil versiones distintas, pero se cree que el rottweiler, el beauceron o el pincher pueden ser sus antecesores.

Se reconocio como raza en Alemania en 1900. Jugo un papel importante en la segunda guerra mundial en ambos frentes. Tanto en el bando americano como en el aleman.

En cuanto a su caracter hay que decir que es un perro muy castigado por la injusta fama que sufren todos los perros catalogados como PPP, es un perro muy vivaz, valiente y de caracter muy familiar. Tambien hay que decir que es un perro que necesita un dueño tranquilo y firme y que necesita hacer ejercicio diariamente. Es un perro que tambien necesita cierta estabilidad emocional.


Tiene el cuerpo cuadrado, la cabeza tiene los planos del hocico y del cráneo paralelos, depresión frontonasal (stop) muy ligera, ojos pequeños y oscuros. Orejas de inserción alta, cuello largo y elegante, el cuerpo es musculoso, con los miembros rectos, la línea superior es recta y el pelo corto pegado al cuerpo.

En cuanto a la altura, en los machos es de 68 cm a 72 cm (es bastante alto) y en las hembras es de 63 cm a 68 cm.

El peso en los machos es de 40 kg a 45 kg y en las hembras de 32 kg a 35 kg.

NatGeo Wild

NatGeo logo
Tune in on Monday, February 21 at 8:00 PM ET/PT to watch NatGeo Wild’s three-hour series premiere of “Blue Collar Dogs.” Guide Dogs for the Blind will be featured during the first hour episode entitled “Canine MD.”

View the preview on YouTube here.

The episode will cover from puppy to Guide Dog team and include a variety of interviews on the San Rafael campus including licensed instructor Ben Cawley and GDB team Olivia Norman and Guide Dog Jim. The cameras also follow GDB team David Cooper and Guide Dog Parnelli as they in-home train on the streets of New York City with licensed instructor Jim Dugan. Additional canines highlighted in “Canine MD” include hearing dogs, dogs for diabetics, epileptic seizure and cancer detection dogs.

Please see link for local listings.

Happy Birthday to YOU!

Jimmy Garrison sits with Guide Dog puppy in training Khaki at Jimmy's birthday party. Photo by Pat Whitehead.
Eight-year-old Jimmy Garrison is already an inspiration.

On a perfect beach day in February, Manhattan Beach resident Jimmy Garrison celebrated his 8th birthday with a party for his friends on the beach. When planning what to do for his birthday, Jimmy told his parents that, because he had lots of "things," he did not want to have the kids bring gifts. Instead he thought it would be nice to be able to help someone. The work of their neighbor, Guide Dogs for the Blind L.A. Southwest puppy raising Leader Pat Whitehead and her puppies, came to mind. Once he and his parents talked with Pat, they realized this was a perfect match. Each guest received information about GDB so he would understand more what Jimmy's charity was all about. It was a wonderful party...boys and puppies, followed by games and pizza on the beach...a win-win situation for all. Many thanks to Jimmy for his generous spirit and to the partygoers who made generous donations.

La policia busca a "asesino knino" en badajoz

Un individuo que afirma ser de badajoz, subio hace unos dias un video en el que torturaba a un perro de raza pomerania durante once horas, ademas este psicopata, amenaza con hacer los mismo con otros 94 perros que advierte a los vecinos de badajoz: "Admirad mi peli, voy a por el suyo en cuanto se descuiden".

En el video que subio torturaba brutalmente a un cachorro, de la raza pomerania como ya dijimos, hasta la muerte, rompiendole huesos, quemandolo, amputandole miembros, practicandole la postura del angel y mil tortutas mas hasta la muerte entre espasmos del perro, ya con las articulaciones arrancadas... en fin, una mente enferma. Encima el mismo se sentia orgulloso de subir el video.

Estaba seguro de si mismo y secia ser de la ciudad de badajoz y de las calles en las que se encontraba proximo.

Ahora mismo la policia anda rastreando su direccion ip, la policia fue avisada por varias asociaciones en defensa de los animales.

Esperemos que cojan a este psicopata, aunque por desgracia ya se sabe, estara un tiempo en prision y saldra de nuevo, cuando una mente asi lo unico que se merece es pudrirse en la carcel.

Canaan Dog

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Canaan Dog  Canaan Dog

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Cane Corso Dog

Cane Corso DogCane Corso Dog

Cane Corso Dog PuppiesCane Corso Dog Puppies

Cane Corso Dog PuppiesCane Corso Dog Puppies

In Tribute to Sir George Shearing

by Joanne Ritter

Jazz pianist George Shearing with his Golden Retriever Guide Dog, Lee
A part of GDB history has died. George Shearing, internationally famous jazz pianist passed away of congestive heart failure at the age of 91. In addition to his incomparable musical talents, George was a delightful man with a keen sense of humor.

George had one Guide Dog, a beautiful Golden Retriever named Lee, whom he loved dearly. George and Lee traveled together for over ten years, until Lee’s death in 1975. He described Lee as, “a marvelous companion with a great temperament,” and wrote fondly about his experiences training with Lee in his book Lullaby of Birdland: “I’ll never forget the day I could feel the wind in my face as Lee and I walked across the Golden Gate Bridge together. What an exhilarating experience!”

George was a strong supporter of Guide Dogs for the Blind and traveled the country with Norah Hamilton Straus, helping to raise awareness and support through media interviews on radio and television. Norah related, “Between the three of us, it was hard to say who was the biggest scene stealer. I remember one radio show to which George had been invited primarily to play the piano. I was tagging along to put in a few words on behalf of Guide Dogs for the Blind. Well, every time George paused in his playing, I started talking about the school. I had so much to say and so little air time to say it! I guess it would be fair to say I got carried away. The announcer was very nice and let me do it. So did George Shearing. The only thing he was more devoted to than Lee, however, was his music. As we were leaving the radio station after the show, I turned to him nervously and asked how he thought it went. He gave me a good natured smile and said, ‘Next time, Norah, I’d like a little less Hamilton and a little more Shearing.’”

George and his wife, Ellie have supported Guide Dogs for the Blind for many years. He will be missed.

Read this piece in the Wall Street Journal's Remembrance section about George Shearing.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Dog  Cardigan Welsh Corgi Dog

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Dog Breeds  Cardigan Welsh Corgi Dog Breeds

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Dog Breeds  Cardigan Welsh Corgi Dog Breeds

Porque Criadores, ONGs, PetShop e Veterinários não se entendem?

Porque ONGs e ativistas de proteção ao animais, criadores de cães, petshops e veterinários não se entendem? Porque existem tanto desencontros de opniões com pessoas envolvidas com animais de estimação? É possível convergir as intenções em prol dos animais? 
Se você já ficou com uma dessas perguntas na cabeça você não está sozinho, nós do Canil Mon Amour Megan e muitas pessoas que conhecemos também se fazem as mesmas perguntas. Não queremos, neste post, defender os criadores de cães como nós, e sim trazer um ponto de vista diferente, que ajude a todos a formar sua opnião e a nos conhecer melhor, como fazemos e o que pensamos.

As atividade envolvidas com animais de estimação não diferem muito de outras atividades, existem bons e maus profissionais, álias nem todos pode ser chamados de profissionais, pois a grande maioria são entusiastas, estudiosos e apaixonados. A grande maioria, não todos. A falta de informação e principalmente a falta de regulamentação das atividades faz com que não saibamos o que é certo ou errado. As dúvidas das pessoas são muitas: "Quando o filhote pode sair do canil?", "Por que um vacina custa tão caro?", "O que é ração Premium, SuperPremium?","Se tiver uma dificuldade com o filhote eu falo com quem?","Esse cão que vamos adotar é agressivo?" para essas e ou outras questões não existe um órgão que defina o que é certo ou errado.

Em geral existe uma atividade que é repreendida por quase todos os envolvidos com animais de estimação que trabalham de forma ética, são as feiras de filhotes. Do jeito que estão acontecendo hoje, nós somos 100% contra, pois os filhotes ficam expostos e em um ambiente com várias pessoas e vários outros animais. Filhotes muitas vezes sem nenhuma vacina, quando o correto era que tivessem com o calendário de vacinação completo e respeitado o período de 30 dias da última dose. Além disso os filhotes oferecidos nem sempre são criações dos expositores, são animais sem procedência, ou seja, quem vai levar o filhote para casa, não sabe como é a mãe, nem o pai, nem se o cruzamento é 100% puro. 

A situação é que até hoje nós não vimos nenhuma feira que respeitasse os animais e os futuros proprietários, gostaria de receber informações sobre feiras que fosse realizadas pensando em primeiro lugar nos animais, em segundo nas famílias que querem um cão de raça e por último pensasse no lucro, realmente ir com a familia e ver um filhotinho brincando, dormindo, fazendo qualquer coisa é muito encantador e fica até irresistível não levar para casa. 

Nós somos contra a forma como estão sendo realizadas as feiras, não são poucas as histórias de perda de filhotes comprados em feiras que chegam até a gente, é para chorar e se indignar. Gostariamos de ouvir opniões sobre como as feiras podem acontecer de forma a respeitar a saúde, higiene e temperamento dos animais, mais responsabilidade dos protetores, expositores e criadores. Enquanto isso não ocorre acreditamos que a atitude a prefeitura de florianópolis é a mais acertada, proibição das feiras, pena que elas continuem a ser realizadas nas cidades da grande Florianópolis, mas o exemplo foi dado.

Sempre que vemos alguma notícia sobre animais de estimação doentes, ou sendo mal tratados, sujos, desnutridos, ficamos mais chocados ainda quando sabemos que ocorreu dentro de uma petshop ou de um criador de cães. Realmente é para ficar chocado, pois nestes locais é onde esperavamos que os cães fossem muito bem tratados,  tipo um paraiso para os cães. É realmente para pensarmos: "ESSE TIPO de Petshop e criadores deveriam existir?". Me permito a dizer, esse tipo de profissionais Nunca Deveriam Existir!!! Não é assim que devemos tratar os animais, não é essa forma de agir que deve acontecer, não é esse o comprometimento. 

Aqui em florianópolis, as ONGS e protetores dos animais são formadas por guerreiros, pois são todas independentes, pelo menos as que conhecemos. Isso realmente é um trabalho muito bonito que merece todo nosso apoio, respeito e adimiração. Sempre que podemos damos uma passadinha como quem não quer nada, damos uma ajudinha e vamos embora, pois se descobrem que somos criadores podemos ser ignorados, mas não somos bem recebidos não, gostariamos de ajudar mais, mas como podemos ajudar se somos tachados como exploradores? Não merecemos isso, se nos conhecessem melhor não haveria a generalização. 

Como vamos explorar cães que dormem no mesmo quarto que a gente, e que sobre na nossa cama no nosso sofá??? Não somos esse tipo de criadores que eles imaginam. E como falamos no começo deste post existem bons e maus profissionais, as ONGs aqui da grande florianópolis, em geral são compostas por boas pessoas, mas também encontramos notícias de ong usadas para desviar dinheiro, que prometem proteger os animais e tratam pior o que se deixasse na rua. Mas uma ver eu quero afirmar, que muitas ongs são honestas,  verdadeiros herois e merecem todo nosso apoio.

Criar cães comercialmente, manter o bem estar dos animais e obter lucros é muito difícil? É mesmo, nós do Mon Amour Megan, estamos declarando de forma aberta que em 3 anos de criação, não obtivemos R$ 1,00 de lucro, tudo o que entrou de recurso de venda de filhotes no nosso canil, voltou para os cães, para sua alimentação, sua saúde, higiene, instalações. E além disso o Wagner manteve e mantêm a diferença de dos custos dos cães. No ano passado tivemos 2 ninhadas apenas, sendo que temos 5 fêmeas e 2 machos. 

Realmente o nosso lucro são as amizades que criamos com as pessoas que ficaram com  nosso filhotes, e o carinho que nossos cães tem com a gente e do filhotes durante o tempo que ficam com a gente (no mínimos 60 dias), além disso temos o costume de ficar com cães que nasceram no nosso canil, o que é muito gratificante para nós. Conhecemos criadores de cães e a grande maioria diz que não é possível viver de criação de cães e assinamos em baixo, dos nossos amigos criadores somente 1 que conhecemos consegue viver da criação e cria de forma ética e amorosa. 

Convidamos a todos que estão lendo este post a visitar nosso formspring   Lá você verá nosso comprometimento com os Shih Tzu e o nosso trabalho de esclarecimentos aos proprietários de cães, tentando melhor o convívio cão e pessoas.

Vamos usar nosso blog para levantar umas bandeiras nos próximos posts, já gostaríamos  de expor os assuntos: "Criação Ética Respeitando o Bem Estar Animal", "PetShop e comercialização de Animais nesses estabelecimentos", "Feiras de Filhotes o que está errado?", "ONG e suas desconfianças com Criadores". Abordando esses assuntos queremos que vocês possam tirar suas conclusões ou colaborar com o assunto, o que somos contra é a generalização. Na história a generalização sempre foi uma barreira para integração das pessoas, talvez seja da natureza do ser humano pensar assim. 

Não é só uma questão que é certo ou errado, pois acreditamos que este conceito é muito amplo e pessoal para definirmos  com mais informações você pode definir o que é certo ou errado para você, sempre respeitando o bem estar do animais e a boa convivênvia das pessoas com eles.

(Continua no próximo post )

7 Key Facts About Cat Roundworm

Cat roundworm infestation, although quite common, is usually less severe than other worms in cats. If your cat has it, however, he or she needs to be treated. Your vet will test your kitten at the initial check ups, and will typically treat kittens even when they test negative. If you adopt a cat from a shelter, ask about what their deworming policy is, and if you have to return for additional treatment. After that, testing will be done once per year at your cat's annual check up.

Here are 7 key points concerning cat roundworm.

1. How your cat gets it - Roundworm eggs begin infiltrating your cat's body by getting into the intestinal tract orally. This can be from eating infected prey, or by coming in contact with eggs in the soil. This makes outdoor cats more susceptible, especially those that hunt. Kittens may contract the worm from their infected mothers. Dormant worms reactivate during pregnancy and sometimes make their way into the mammary glands.

2. Roundworm is common - Almost all kittens have roundworm, and even if they test negative, are usually treated for it. Although most cases are not severe, roundworm is dangerous in kittens if left untreated and can cause death.

3. What it is - The Cornell Feline Health Center tells us that cat roundworm (Toxascaris leonina and Toxocara cati) are the most common of the feline intestinal parasites. The estimated infection rates are 25% to as high as 75% (higher in kittens).

4. When you see them - Adult roundworms described as having thin, tubelike bodies that resemble strands of spaghetti. I know that's not very appealing, but you usually won't see them unless your cat vomits them up, which is also not very appealing. They are white-ish or cream in color.

5. Where they go once inside - Unlike hookworms and some others, roundworms are not tissue feeders. They do not attach themselves to the inside intestinal wall, but freely swim in the gut of the cat. The lifecycle is different for Toxascaris and Toxocara. T. leonina go straight to the intestines and take two to three months to mature. T. cati, on the other hand, migrate through tissue wall making their way to the throat via the lungs and back into the intestines.

6. What happens now - Female roundworms lay eggs inside your cat's gut, and your cat passes them in the feces. It may take up to several weeks or a month for them to become infective. Once they develop into the infective larva stage, they can remain infective for years.

7. Preventing infection - Deworming females prior to pregnancy would make sense, except that medications do not affect dormant worms that reactivate during pregnancy, just in time to infect the kittens. Containing the worm population requires containing your cat and keeping him or her indoors, and control of the pest population. Cats at highest risk are those that roam and hunt.

Roundworm infections are relatively benign as compared to other intestinal parasites that your cat might encounter. In fact, a cat can appear perfectly healthy and still have a mild case of roundworm.

You should be aware, however, that there can be life-threatening cases of cat roundworm. This can occur if the worm population becomes large enough to cause blockage of the intestinal tract. Kittens are particularly at risk, with their small size and developing immune systems, and may be in serious danger if left untreated. Similarly, older cats, and adult cats with compromised immune systems or other debilitating diseases will be at risk as well.

You should have a talk about roundworm with your veterinarian if you have an at risk kitten or older cat at home.

Kurt Schmitt, an experienced cat owner, writes about cat roundworm and other feline health issues. Visit the web site for cat lovers for more details on this article.

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