Puppy Raiser Megan Minkiewicz has raised six puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind. She is currently raising Caleb (with husband Alex) and writing a series of articles throughout the next year and a half for The Bark blog. Her most current blog post is featured in the current issue of the magazine. The Bark Magazine (February/March 2011)
“Caleb About Town”
Gresham Outlook (February 9, 2011)
“Troutdale Woman Graduates from Guide Dog Training”
Marin Magazine (February 2011)
“Snap Shots: 34th Annual GDB Holiday Luncheon”
KSEE-TV / NBC (January 26, 2011)
“South Valley Students Train Guide Dogs”
KPIX-TV / CBS (January 14, 2011)
“Good Question: Can Blind People Use Text Messaging”
NorthBay Biz (January 2011)
“Creative Partnerships”
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